Professor of Computer Science
Indiana University (USA)
Of Analogies and Episodes
Case-based reasoning and analogical reasoning are fundamentally related. Over the years, the commonality has been underlined as both fields have addressed overlapping phenomena and have had related concerns. This talk presents a view of some of their relationships, similarities, and differences, developed by highlighting some key questions that illustrate how they are closely coupled, how they differ, and how each may need the other. The goal of the talk is to encourage discussions that can bring together analogy and CBR while respecting the unique characteristics of each, to further integrated research.
Bio: David Leake is a Professor of Computer Science in the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering at Indiana University. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University in 1990. His research is in AI and Cognitive Science, with a particular focus on CBR, XAI, Knowledge Discovery and Management, and Information Systems. He has been leading pioneer work in CBR with more than 200 publications, among which several best paper awards at ICCBR, and edited volumes. He is Editor in Chief Emeritus of AI Magazine, the official magazine of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), after 17 years as Editor in Chief. In 2014 he received the AAAI Distinguished Service Award. From 2012-2020 he served as Executive Associate Dean of the Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering.

Jean Lieber
Associate Professor in computer Science
University of Lorraine (France)
Case-Based Reasoning and Analogy: a Turbulent Love Story
This talk presents a subjective view on the past, present and future relations between CBR and analogies. During the first years of CBR, the latter was considered as a particular case of analogical reasoning, particularly when considering CBR from the viewpoint of case adaptation. For instance, earlier work by J. Carbonell on case-based planning in the 1980s, was qualified as “planning by analogy”. In more recent years, a community grew independently on the study of analogy as a quaternary relation within a given space: the analogical proportions. These two still distinct fields share several ideas and principles. Some theoretical and applicative studies will be presented to show how studies on analogies can be beneficial for the CBR community and conversely.
Bio: Jean Lieber in an Associate Professor in computer science at the University of Lorraine (France), with habilitation since 2008. He has been working in the field of CBR since 1992, and he created the research team K of the LORIA lab on symbolic artificial intelligence in the LORIA lab, where he conducts his research. His main research interest is in CBR, with a particular focus on adaptation and formal aspects of CBR, including the use of symbolic AI approaches for CBR, for instance, belief revision and analogy. He has been (and still is) involved in CBR applications in various domains such as cooking, medicine, image processing, among others. From a political viewpoint, he thinks, perhaps naively, that CBR should play a key role in the future of AI, since it gives birth to efficient, glass-box and energy-efficient systems.